Responding to a student’s inappropriate Facebook post [Guest Post]
Teenagers sometimes post things on Facebook and Twitter that are inappropriate. How can we best respond to those posts?

Asking for contact info impacts first-time church visitors [bonus]
Most churches ask first-time visitors for their contact info, but how they ask and why can make a positive or negative first impression.

Free video youth group lesson series this summer [Freebie Friday]
This summer several youth ministries are teaming up to offer a free video youth group lesson series that’s centered around the gospel.

The stories you tell impact first-time visitors [3 of 3]
The stories we tell in church are often geared toward congregation members and leave visitors feeling like they’re on the outside.

Claiming to welcome outsiders impacts first-time visitors [2 of 3]
Every church claims to be welcoming to visitors, but not every church can be as welcoming as they think they are.

Your church website impacts first-time visitors [1 of 3]
Your church’s website is the first impression you can make on a perspective first-time visitor. Designing it well makes a big impact!

The Golden Rule is not just about being nice to people [Time Out]
The Golden Rule is in many religions, but Jesus took it a step further than most.

Youth teaching lesson on sex, purity, love, and marriage [Freebie Friday]
Download this free youth ministry resource for teaching teenagers and youth group about sex, purity, love, and marriage.