Freebie Friday #115: Youth ministry training videos from the NYMC 2009
There was a lot of great youth ministry training at the National Youth Ministry Conference last weekend! Some of it came from your’s truly, which is what…

Three questions every youth ministry must ask parents
Here are 3 questions youth ministries need to ask parents in order to partner with them in reaching their kids.

Time Out: God wants availability more than ability (Deborah and Jael)
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Even today it isn’t easy for a woman to be a leader, but in the times of the Judges it was almost unheard of. Deborah was…

Freebie Friday #114: eBay PowerPoint game
Adam Wormann, an old friend who graduated from the youth ministry program at Philadelphia Biblical University with me, sent me today’s Freebie Friday to…

If you died today, what would your ministry be remembered for?
It’s easy to be short-sighted in ministry. Are you pursing the Lord’s huge vision?

Advice for creating and ordering youth group t-shirts
Although February still feels very much like winter in some parts of the states, summer is approaching quickly and it’s almost time to start thinking…

Time Out: Content to be number 2 (Caleb)
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Contentment. It’s not standard equipment for human beings! Babies don’t have it – they want what they want when they…

Podcast: Your prayer requests
Yesterday’s LIVE YM Talk was a bit different. Since I’ve been pretty consumed by the launch of MinistryQuestions.com, I didn’t have a guest or…