
watch Watch Time: 10 Minutes

Dealing with an addiction to porn

I recently wrote an article for on dealing with an addiction to pornography. I was a little blunt in asking guys to man-up to what they know…

read Read Time: 1 Minute

Time Out: I’ve got peace like a river

Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Peace. We often talk about it but don’t always understand it. Sometimes we think of it as calm circumstances, a time when…

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

Podcast: Answering teens’ tough questions about God

Yesterday’s LIVE YM Talk featured special guest, Greg Stier, of Dare 2 Share Ministries. We talked about his recent experience filming The Gospel Journey:…

listen Listen Time: 65 Minutes

Freebie Friday #116: Empowering students and families with technology

Today’s Freebie Friday is contributed by Ryan Epps. He put together a list of online resources for you and your ministries. Some are free, some are…

grab Read Time: 5 Minutes

Why I share the gospel at every youth meeting

I don’t do alter calls or invitations to come forward or anything, but I do make sure that I point every youth group lesson back to the gospel for several…

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

FREE 3-month All Access passes to

The guys at have been nice enough to give me another set of FREE 3-month All Access passes to give away to five of you all. If you’re not…

read Read Time: 2 Minutes
watch Watch Time: 7 Minutes

Time Out: A vessel unequal to the task (Gideon)

Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Gideon exhibits all the characteristics of someone with a poor self image. He was hiding in a pit when God’s messenger found…

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

Podcast: The economy, ministry administration, and youth leadership

Yesterday’s LIVE YM Talk was a bit a bit open ended again. We discussed three main issues: how the economy is affecting our ministry budgets, handling…

listen Listen Time: 56 Minutes