
Copyright misconceptions about showing movies at youth group

This guest post is contributed by Chris Szulwach. We all love movie nights with the youth group, but most of us are unaware of the legal issues surrounding such…

read Read Time: 5 Minutes
watch Watch Time: 10 Minutes

What our summer youth group schedule looks like

After all the comments from last week’s post about Seven Benefits of Shutting Down Youth Ministry Programs for the Summer, I figured I’d add a…

read Read Time: 6 Minutes

Challenges and opportuntities of working with high school students...

Today in our LIVE YM Talk, Joshua Griffin, high school pastor at Saddleback Church, talked with us about working with high school students. The present both…

listen Listen Time: 52 Minutes

Freebie Friday #126: Whip ‘n Strip game

Luke Trouten, Youth Pastor at Northwood Church in Maple Grove, MN, donated the instructions for the game Whip ‘n Strip for you all! It looks like it has…

grab Read Time: 1 Minute

Seven benefits of shutting down youth ministry programs for the summer

Does your ministry run full-steam ahead during the summer? Slow down? Stop completely?

read Read Time: 4 Minutes
watch Watch Time: 6 Minutes

Review: Lifeway Student Strategy – Know, Own, Known

If you follow StudentMinistry on Twitter you’ve probably seen a lot of references to Lifeway’s new Known curriculum over the past several months. I…

listen Listen Time: 20 Minutes

Time Out: Power under control

Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Do you remember the chant from childhood: “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me?” It…

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

Shaping youth ministry around parents [podcast]

Today in our LIVE YM Talk, Mark Matlock talked with us about shaping a youth ministry around parents. We all know that parents are easily the #1 spiritual…

listen Listen Time: 56 Minutes