
Get a FREE iPhone, HD video camera, Macbook, and more!

UPDATE: I’ve completed all of these free sites, so my referral links are removed. Right now I’m doing the free iPad site. If you want a free iPad…

read Read Time: 5 Minutes

Time Out: Learning to take advice

Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Greed and foolishness aren’t limited to the young, but young people seem to fall into that trap quite regularly. With age and…

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

Teaching theology in youth ministry [podcast]

Today in our LIVE YM Talk, Rob Kashow talked with us about teaching theology in youth ministry. We didn’t get into any theological debates, but we did…

listen Listen Time: 66 Minutes

Freebie Friday #130: Meditative prayer exercise with a rock

Each month our church comes together for an evening of worship that’s intended to be open, flexible, experiential and interactive. It’s always a…

grab Read Time: 2 Minutes

Youth ministry sets the path for the whole church to follow

Last month Dan Kimball blogged about Youth Ministry 3.0 and said something I knew deep down inside somewhere, but had never struck me until he articulated…

read Read Time: 1 Minute

An idea for creating a spiritually influential student ministry

A month ago I shared the results of our high school ministry evaluations and how our large-group meeting time seemed to have almost no spiritual influence in…

read Read Time: 4 Minutes

Enhancing communication with changes to our youth group website

Our online communication has changed
One of the most important aspects of any ministry is communication. Two years ago one of the main places that took place…

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

Freebie Friday #129: 3 short term missions trip resources

Our friends at Cadre Ministries are giving away 3 resources to help you prepare for your short term missions trip this summer, and also to help you while…

grab Read Time: 1 Minute

How a season of evaluation transformed our jr. high ministry

About two years ago we had around 20 jr. highers involved in our “go deep” Bible study. It’s a two year course where they study the Old…

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

5 essential tools for my youth group’s summer ministry

Here are 5 essential pieces of equipment for my youth group’s summer ministry. What’s essential for you?

read Read Time: 3 Minutes