Time Out: The servant who became the master (Elisha)
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Elisha doesn’t get as much attention as many other Bible servants, but he is among the best. For many years he was a student…

Marriage and youth ministry [podcast]
Today in our LIVE YM Talk, my beautiful wife, Dana Schmoyer, joined me and together we talked about marriage and youth ministry. Fortunately, Tom Roepke, a guy…

Freebie Friday #132: Audiobook download of “Crazy Love” by...
For the month of July you can download the unabridged audio recording of Francis Chan’s book, “Crazy Love: Overwhelmed by a Relentless God.”…

Your questions about being married to a youth pastor
Tomorrow’s LIVE YM Talk is going to be a lot of fun!
First of all, my wife, Dana Schmoyer, will be the featured guest and will share from her experiences…

Questions about Deep and Wide Youth Ministry
Someone recently emailed me with some good questions about my youth group’s vision to go Deep and Wide. Thought I’d share them with you here, along…

Time Out: Whipping up a good pity party (Elijah)
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
While some are more prone to self pity than others, I guess everyone has had a time or two when they’ve indulged themselves…

Freebie Friday #131: Loads of freebies at Simply Youth Ministry
It’s hard to feature free youth ministry resources every Friday without mentioning Simply Youth Ministry’s freebie page. Simply has tons of free…

Turn your youth group website into an event LiveStream
The idea
As I’ve written before, on overnight youth trips I like to embed my Twitter account’s RSS feed into our youth group website so parents can…