Signs that you should back away from a church’s youth ministry...
It’s really starting to anger me to hear so many stories from youth pastors about how their unhealthy, sick and twisted churches beat them until they drop…

Communicating God’s Word effectively with teenagers [podcast]
Rick Smith joined us last Monday to talk about communicating God’s Word effectively to teenagers. Rick is a youth minister who love speaking at camps…

Freebie Friday #147: “Porn Again Christian” free ebook
Yesterday in my article on how to beat a porn addiction before it’s too late, I mentioned that I would send you guys to a resource today that can be of…

How to beat an addiction to porn before it’s too late
I deal with visual pressures of porn just like every other male in our society, so I’ve set up some roadblocks…

Youth group game: Cell phone picture challenge
While feeding my little girl two weeks ago, I watched the Youth Specialties podcast with Jonathan McKee who gave an idea of a cell phone text messaging game. I…

Time Out: Hold the rope!
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
(The following was written for the people in the church my father pastors, but applies to youth workers as well. As you read this…

Freebie Friday #146: “Tear down the walls of the youth room”...
Nick Arnold, youth pastor at New Hope Community Church in Sunland, CA, recently released a free ebook titled, Tear Down the Walls of the Youth Room: 43 ideas…

LIVE YM Talk switching to Mondays next week
Last week I explained that I can no longer do LIVE YM Talk on Fridays and asked for your input about a better day of the week to host the live conversations. As…

Facebook group vs. Facebook page: Which is better for youth groups?
Since I’m in the mood for answering common questions that show up in my Inbox, here’s another one that shows up quite regularly:
Should I create a…