Time Out: How would Jesus evaluate your job performance?
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Job evaluations – a necessary but not usually pleasant part of the job. If we don’t get our ego and pride all wrapped up in…

Working with cross-cultural students and minorities at youth group...
Dennis Poulette joined us last Monday to talk about working with cross-cultural students and minorities at youth group. Dennis is a youth ministry professor at…

Freebie Friday #149: The Discipleship Project’s store goes FREE!
This week’s Freebie Friday is written and contributed by Paul Turner. He’s been creating youth ministry content for a long time: books, handouts…

Communication avenues for my youth group
For good or bad, how well you communicate with teens and parents sets the perception of your leadership’s competency.

What I like about my local youth pastor network
Every Tuesday morning at 9:00 AM I meet with a couple other youth pastors from different churches in my community. There’s a lot to like about the group…

Time Out: Ingredients of a healthy ministry
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Seminars, books, videos, conferences, web sites – everywhere someone is telling us how to do ministry better and be more…

Mobilizing students to share their faith [podcast]
Matt Brown joined us last Monday to talk about mobilizing students to share their faith. Matt, formerly with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, shared…

My response to Zondervan releasing Mark Oestreicher from Youth Specialites
Normally I don’t use my blog to voice opinions about current events, but Zondervan’s press release about releasing Mark Oestreicher from Youth…

Freebie Friday #148: Evangelism video with Greg Stier and discussion...
Last week my sr. high youth group finished up a 5 week series on evangelism that was loosely based on Brett Hetherington‘s free Evangelism For My Life…

Easy JibJab effect for youth group video announcements
Last week my youth group’s news video featured my 2-month old daughter sharing some announcements using the JibJab effect along with my wife’s…