Time Out: Are you called to ministry?
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Jesus, the master story teller, told a story about a man who held a banquet but those who were invited didn’t come so he…

Answering recent questions and debates from MinistryQuestions.com...
Last Monday was our first MinistryQuestions.com LIVE YM Talk show where we collectively answered questions and debates that were posted to the site by other…

Freebie Friday #154: 4 Christmas PowerPoint games, 10 backgrounds, and 1...
Simply Youth Ministry is giving away several Christmas PowerPoint games and Christmas backgrounds for free!
On their Freebie Games page, you can download three…

Signs that a youth leader is lacking maturity and healthy adult...
Sometimes youth workers fulfill personal needs by substituting healthy adult relationships for those with teens.

Time Out: The priorities of the pastor
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Gaining recognition is fairly easy in life and ministry. What isn’t easy is succeeding in the things that really matter. We…

Leading a team of volunteer youth workers [podcast]
Last Monday the youth pastor at NewSpring Community Church, Brad Cooper, joined us for LIVE YM Talk to discuss our topic of, “Leading a team of volunteer…

Freebie Friday #153: Talking happy face to use for youth group video...
A couple months ago Joshua Griffin posted a big, yellow smiley face they used for a teaching series at Saddleback. I looked at it and thought it could work…

Walt Mueller and MinistryQuestions.com coming up in LIVE YM Talk
We have a couple exciting LIVE YM Talks coming up! If you haven’t joined us yet on Mondays at 2:00 PM, it’s always a great conversation among youth…

Time Out: Youth pastor as maestro
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
We’ve all heard many analogies of pastors (and youth pastors) being shepherds of their sheep. In the Fall of 1988, in the…

How to find and determine the Lord’s leading to a healthy church...
A couple weeks ago I published an article that was written collaboratively by myself and several other youth workers titled, Signs That You Should Back Away…