Freebie Friday #159: A variety of free resources from Break Free Youth...
I don’t remember who pointed me to today’s Freebie Friday — I think it was in a chat conversation with someone on Skype actually. Sorry for…

My interview with the new Youth Specialties Executive Director: Tic Long
I interview Tic Long about his new position at YS and his vision for the future.

Why the Online Missions Trip happens at a pivotal moment in history
You have to see this video about the social media revolution. It underscores why the Online Missions Trip outreach campaign comes at such a pivotal moment in…

REMINDER: Online Missions Trip starts January 31!
This past September I announced the dates for the 2010 Online Missions Trip, along with some detailed information about what it is, how it works, and how your…

Time Out: God speaks through a burning heart
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
In the dome of St. Paul’s Cathedral there is what is known as the Whispering Gallery. Through the peculiar construction of…

Freebie Friday #158: Youth group “Twilight” curriculum and a...
One of the Youth Ministry Mentors, John Byrne, runs a site called YM Theology. It features a lot of youth ministry videos, podcasts and blog posts surrounding…

How can I make LISM more valuable for you in 2010?
As we enter into 2010, I’ve been thinking a lot about Life In Student Ministry and it’s direction for the future. I’ve been tremendously…

Time Out: God speaks rich and enlightening thoughts
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Writer Charles Swindoll once found himself with too many commitments in too few days. He got nervous and tense about it. “I…

Freebie Friday #157: Custom countdown timer video on a green-screen
Troy Young created and donated this year’s Christmas Freebie Friday! Thanks, Troy!
If your youth ministry uses countdown timers, here’s a simple…

Time Out: How to hear God speak in a gentle whisper
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
There is an old story about two men walking down a busy, loud New York City street. Horns honked, engines roared, PA systems…