The future of LISM based on your feedback (1 of 2)
On New Year’s Eve I asked how I can make LISM more valuable for you in 2010 and I’m glad I did because 70 of you gave me a lot of very helpful…

How mobile location-based games will impact the future of youth ministry
Location-aware mobile games will impact ministry. Here’s what’s ahead for social media and youth workers.

Time Out: Hearing God through information and guidance
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Twenty eight years ago I was between churches and seeking where God would have me minister. A church in western Pennsylvania…

Answering questions and debates from MinistryQuestions.com #2 [podcast]
We had a great discussion last Monday answering some of the recent questions and debates that were posted to MinistryQuestions.com. Unfortunately, the service…

Freebie Friday #160: Campus prayer walk guide
Leave it to Paul Turner to again contribute a great resource for Freebie Friday! I think he’s starting to get close to rivaling Brett Hetherington for the…

Quick Note: LIVE YM Talk is moving to BlogTalkRadio.com
Just a quick note to notify everyone that LIVE YM Talk will now be hosted at BlogTalkRadio.com.
In 2008 LIVE YM Talk was hosted on Skype before we quickly…

Next round of youth ministry mentoring starts at SYMC!
We partnered with the SYMC to bring the next round of 10-week one-on-one mentoring to you, face-to-face!

Designing a vision for your student ministry [podcast]
Due to a little miscommunication, the guest for today’s show wasn’t able to make it, so those of us who were on the call decided to go ahead with…

Time Out: How we hear God speak
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
Sometimes I’m guilty of not listening when my wife speaks. I may be looking at here and pretend to be paying attention, but…