
Freebie Friday #164: Lesson series, “Is Christianity really the only...

Brett Hetherington has contributed more to our Freebie Fridays over the past couple years than anyone else. The best part is, his stuff is always quality…

grab Read Time: 2 Minutes

Youth Ministry Mentorship now open to both SYMC attenders and...

Last month I shared that the Youth Ministry Mentorship Program is taking its conversations to the next level by partnering with the Simply Youth Ministry…

read Read Time: 2 Minutes

The “Youth Ministry Advance Team: Haiti” discusses their...

Today was a unique show. Instead of the normal round-table discussion we usually have, a couple members from the Youth Ministry Advance Team: Haiti joined me to…

listen Listen Time: 58 Minutes

The need for theological questioning in youth ministry [podcast]

Last Monday we talked about the need for theological questioning in youth ministry. Our featured guest was Jake Bouma, a youth pastor who even named his cat…

listen Listen Time: 50 Minutes

Interview with Marko about his new YM Coaching Program

Earlier this week Marko launched his Youth Ministry Coaching Program, a 1-year 360 coaching cohort, focused on whole-life development and youth ministry…

read Listen Time: 15 Minutes

Freebie Friday #163: Movie sound clips trivia game

Two years ago I gave away a game I made combining audio clips from different movies. The idea is to have youth group kids pair up with a piece of paper and…

grab Listen Time: 7 Minutes

A note that reminds me, “Youth ministry is worth it.”

Last weekend I received this Facebook message from a girl I haven’t been in touch with for about a decade. For the sake of her privacy, I edited out some…

read Read Time: 2 Minutes

I think I’m doing youth ministry all wrong

Despite knowing otherwise in my head, the way I actually lead my church’s youth ministry is mostly from the mentality that our youth ministry is a program…

read Read Time: 2 Minutes

All the emotions surrounding my trip to Haiti

[ Catch up with previous posts about my trip to Haiti ]
Wow. I leave for Haiti in only one and a half weeks! And I’m starting to freak out a bit!
As the…

read Read Time: 4 Minutes

Time Out: How God enables you in ministry

Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
The last thing in life I ever wanted to do was speak before people. I never raised my hand in class. I always sat in the very back…

read Read Time: 4 Minutes