Deep and Wide Youth Ministry Q&A [podcast]
Last week Jason Lamb of Dare 2 Share Ministries joined me to talk about the Deep and Wide Youth Ministry for LIVE YM Talk. We had a lot of good interaction over…

Freebie Friday #169: Free ConGRADulations 2010 CD from Interlinc
Our friends at Interlinc want to give you something you will really like. Get a FREE ConGRADulations! Class of 2010 (gift for graduating seniors) CD by going to…

3 things I want my students to know before they graduate (part 2)
READ PART 1: Yesterday I shared 3 things I want my students to know before they graduate – part 1. This second part addresses how we try to accomplish…

3 things I want my students to know before they graduate (part 1)
Graduation is coming up soon. What do you want your seniors to know, do or experience before they leave youth group?

Talking about my struggle with pornography at church
I taught in our church services about the struggle of pornography and lust. Here’s my story.

Time Out: Overworking does not impress God
Time Out (by Jerry Schmoyer)
From Mrs. Lettie Cowman’s wonderful book, Springs in the Desert, comes this interesting tale from African colonial…

Questions and answers from MinistryQuestions.com #3 [podcast]
Every month or two I like to bring to the table some of the questions other ministry workers ask at MinistryQuestions.com and have a live discussion about them…

Freebie Friday #168: H.A.B.I.T.S. bible study talk sheet
Brian McNarry, a youth worker in Manitoba, Canada, contributes another Freebie Friday for this week. Thanks, Brian!
If you’ve read Purpose Driven Youth…

Lessons from my 3 year anniversary at Alexandria Covenant Church
Last month, February 18 to be exact, was my 3 year anniversary at Alexandria Covenant Church. Not long, I know, but still significant. I’ve grown and…

An amazing opportunity to partner with a Haitian church
One of the main objectives for our trip to Haiti last month was to meet with local pastors, build connections and explore the possibility of coordinating an…