
Being on God’s side means you’re in a war [Time Out]

As soon as you align yourself with God, you disalign yourself with Satan and the spiritual conflict begins.

read Read Time: 5 Minutes

Leadership when your last name is not Stanley, Hybels or Groeschel...

Too often pastors try to imitate great church leaders like Andy Stanley, Bill Hybels and Craig Groeschel rather than being the leader God’s called them to be.

listen Listen Time: 75 Minutes

Unifying a youth group, sending off graduates, youth group vs church, and...

An open forum discussion about youth group unity, sending graduates off to college, kids who attend youth group and not church, and more.

listen Listen Time: 70 Minutes

Team building in youth ministry [podcast]

Building unity among your team of youth leaders is critically important. This discussion looks at team building in youth ministry.

listen Listen Time: 56 Minutes

Freebie Friday 173: “Minute To Win It” youth group games

Here’s 63 games from NBC’s Minute To Win It game show that could make great youth group games.

grab Read Time: 1 Minute

Turning church consumers into ministry servants

There are both consumers and ministry servants in our churches. We want to help consumers turn into servants, but how?

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

2 things we often forget about teaching

Too often youth workers under-estimate the influence of passion and the role of the Holy Spirit when teaching God’s Word.

read Read Time: 1 Minute

10 reasons why you should do lesson prep early

Although we may often put lesson prep off to the last minute, it’s rarely without consequences. Here are 10 reasons why it’s best to prepare early.

read Read Time: 2 Minutes

Using the spiritual tool of fasting to draw close to God [Time Out]

Fasting is one of the most underutilized tools for spiritual growth. It tells God that He is more important than food or anything else. Here’s how it draws us closer to Him.

read Read Time: 6 Minutes

Freebie Friday 172: Heaven and Hell youth bible study series

Download this free bible study lessons series for youth groups on what the Bible teaches about heaven and hell.

grab Read Time: 2 Minutes