
Finding Time to Rest – Part 2 [Time Out]

We need to take a Sabbath day, but remember we’re never truly “off.” We are always called to do good. We are always called to love. We are always called to be followers of Christ.

read Read Time: 4 Minutes

Freebie Friday 179: Youth pastor business card PhotoShop file

A free downloadable business card for youth pastors in a PhotoShop PSD file format. Edit it with your own name and contact information.

grab Read Time: 1 Minute

A theology of youth rooms and buildings

My ecclesiology compelled me to turn down someone’s vision to build a youth building for our church. Here’s why.

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

FAQs for taking a youth group to Haiti

After two trips to Haiti and many youth workers asking me questions about taking their own youth groups to Haiti on a missions trip, here are my answers.

read Read Time: 6 Minutes

Finding Time to Rest – Part 1 [Time Out]

Thoughts for youth workers about much needed rest – which we often tragically fail to take.

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

The passion, process and principles of youth discipleship [podcast]

A discussion about youth discipleship, specifically evaluating the process of discipleship in your ministry.

listen Listen Time: 53 Minutes

Freebie Friday 178: Themed event promo invite card and PowerPoint slide

Download a themed PowerPoint slide image and an editable promotional event invitation card to use for your next youth group event or retreat.

grab Read Time: 1 Minute

Why my youth group is going back to Haiti this fall and spring

Short-term missions trips is one of the most powerful ways to do discipleship. Because of that, I’m taking my youth group back to Haiti twice this year.

read Read Time: 2 Minutes
watch Watch Time: 8 Minutes

The Time Out series is turning to the community

Since the first Monday of January 2008, my dad, Jerry Schmoyer, has been the sole author of the weekly series, Time Out. He’s been doing an outstanding…

read Read Time: 2 Minutes