
When microwave burritos take too long to cook [Time Out]

Sometimes we need to wait for things to happen, to see results, or just to see what God is doing. Patience is tough, and if we’re not careful, we may wind up getting ourselves in to more trouble by how we handle it…

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

New LIVE YM Talk format, Facebook privacy, and more [podcast]

In this podcast we launch a new format for LIVE Youth Ministry Talk Show. It features a panel of guests to return to the show’s original conversational tone.

listen Listen Time: 64 Minutes

Freebie Friday 181: A 5-day camp devotional guide

Download this free five-day devotional based on the book, Do Hard Things, by Alex and Brett Harris, to use a camp or with your youth group.

grab Read Time: 0 Minutes

My top 5 most common youth ministry mistakes

I make a lot of mistakes in youth ministry over and over again. Here are the top 5 most common I make.

read Read Time: 1 Minute

Spiritual deception in America is exposed by Haiti

Some sins we perceive in America to be struggles or personal problems may actually be something more. This story explains it by looking at Haiti.

read Read Time: 5 Minutes

Are you “doing” or “being?” [Time Out]

Sometimes we get so caught up in what we need to do that we forget who God wants us to be…

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

Freebie Friday 180: Small group talksheet for Ecclesiastes

Download this free talksheet for small groups based on the last chapter of Ecclesiastes. It includes the full sermon manuscript.

grab Read Time: 1 Minute

63 youth ministry topics YOU should cover

Take these ideas and run with them. Keep coming back as often as you want to see what topics people are covering and learn from each other.

read Read Time: 5 Minutes
watch Watch Time: 9 Minutes

Exploring family family [podcast]

This discussion with Matt Archer reviews the shift his church has taken in combining children and youth ministry into family ministry.

listen Listen Time: 59 Minutes