Do we really need more youth ministry resources?
There are new resource websites appearing all the time, but do we really need more resources? What do youth workers really need?

Best advice and worst advice in youth ministry [podcast]
This was the first LIVE YM Talk where I was not present. I was on vacation in Texas, so Tony Myles graciously stepped up and hosted the show instead. It’s…

Freebie Friday 183: “Minute To Win It” activity guide
This free activity guide download from NBC includes details and instructions about how to play Minute To Win It games at youth group, camp, and retreats.

5 advantages of a large youth group
If you’re a large youth group, you have several advantages over a small youth group that you can embrace. Learn to capitalize on these give areas.

Working to Hurt Your Kids [Time Out]
Sometimes we want to do good things, but we move so fast or do things we don’t need to and wind up hurting others in the process…like our kids.

Camp vs Missions Trip vs Conference vs Retreat [podcast]
If your group can go on one trip this summer, would it be camp, a missions trip, a big student conference, or a small retreat? We discuss it!

Freebie Friday 182: 5-week “back to school” Bible lesson...
Download this 5-week lesson series about going back to school after the summer. It discusses their social, mental, physical and spiritual life in school.

5 advantages of a small youth group
If you’re a small youth group, rather than trying to act like a large group, embrace the advantages you have by being small and capitalize on them.