
watch Watch Time: 12 Minutes

Freebie Friday 188: Interactive plan for discussing purity and abortion

Download this free lesson plan for youth groups. It provides an interactive approach to discussing sex, purity and abortion in your youth ministry.

grab Read Time: 2 Minutes
watch Watch Time: 3 Minutes

Getting Rid of the Junk [Time Out]

Recently I spent a little time on two tasks to tidy up my office, both in the physical and the electronic sense. I got rid of a lot of clutter. This happens in my walk with Jesus, too.

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

What works best in training your volunteers? [podcast]

I basically shared my story and asked that you would listen and leave your feedback in the comments below about how we can improve.

listen Listen Time: 37 Minutes

Freebie Friday 187: 56 free worship backgrounds for PowerPoint or...

Download 56 free worship backgrounds for PowerPoint or MediaShout. These are completely free for you to use in your church services!

grab Read Time: 0 Minutes
watch Watch Time: 21 Minutes

Stop Having Small Groups [Time Out]

We have so many ways to connect, and always encourage people to connect with one another and get involved in small groups. Yet, so often, pastors and people highly involved in ministry can get so lonely…

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

Freebie Friday 186: Camp follow-up form

Download this free spiritual growth record form to be used by counselors and youth pastors for follow-up at camp.

grab Read Time: 1 Minute

Answering recent questions from #5 [podcast]

This week we discussed several of the questions that you all posted at

listen Listen Time: 75 Minutes