Freebie Friday 192: Packet of 20 free youth ministry resources
A free downloadable youth ministry resource of 20 ideas and tools youth workers can use in ministry.

Handling conflict and confrontation in ministry [podcast]
Youth workers having a frank discussion about conflict, confrontation and criticism in the church and ministry.

Freebie Friday 191: Free ebook about student leadership
A free youth ministry ebook download from LeaderTreks about developing student leadership at youth group and the church.

God doesn’t need me, I need Him [Time Out]
God doesn’t need us, but He chooses to use us. Sometimes we lose sight of that in the midst of ministry and think He needs us.

Answering recent questions from MinistryQuestions.com #6 [podcast]
In this show we discuss working with difficult teens, church culture, jr high and sr high working together, and more.

Helping parents get involved in their teens’ lives [podcast]
We discussed ideas of how our youth ministries can help parents get involved in their teens’ lives. Take a listen!

Freebie Friday 190: Lesson series based on the movie Flipped
This lesson series is based on the movie, Flipped, and includes video clips, lesson outlines, and discussion questions.