
Freebie Friday 194: Weekly stock video clip

Every week gives away a free stock video download. Many of them work great for youth group announcement videos.

grab Read Time: 1 Minute
watch Watch Time: 8 Minutes

Are you thriving at your church?

I’m hearing from a lot of youth workers who are frustrated and struggling with youth ministry in their church context. Is this widespread?

read Read Time: 1 Minute

Drop Your Numbers By 99% [Time Out]

We often worry about numbers in ministry, but what if we dropped our numbers by 99% of our attendance? What could we do then?

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

Freebie Friday 193: Event cost planning worksheet

This Excel worksheet helps youth workers plan the cost per student for their events by including various factors.

grab Read Time: 1 Minute

When I’m spiritually dry and dull

It’s often difficult to thrive spiritually when serving in ministry. Here are 5 things that help me grow when I’m spiritually dry and dull.

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

The struggle of being a “professional Christian”

How do you handle the expectation to be spiritually growing all the time as a role models for teenagers?

read Read Time: 2 Minutes
watch Watch Time: 4 Minutes

Don’t End the Daddy Date [Time Out]

Sometimes when life gets tough, we automatically associate our difficult circumstances with God, and so we think the solution is to get rid of both all together. Rather, we should be mindful that God cares for us when we hurt…

read Read Time: 4 Minutes

Growing spiritually in the midst of ministry [podcast]

We may feel expected to always be on a never-ending spiritual high, we all know that on the inside that’s not always the reality.

listen Listen Time: 66 Minutes