Freebie Friday 215: Christianity Counts lesson series
Download this lesson series! It addresses serving, authenticity, compassion, accountability, love, and more.

Sexual trends among teenagers and True Love Waits
True Love Waits co-founder, Jimmy Hester, talks about trends in sexual activity among teenagers. He indicates that it’s declining.

No room for selfishness in youth ministry [Links ‘n Vids]
The first week of our new weekly series where we highlight Brian’s links and Tim’s videos from the youth ministry blogosphere.

Life Lessons 1: God Doesn’t Need Me [Time Out]
The older I get, the more clearly I see that I have nothing to offer God. It’s not a teamwork operation, it’s all His grace and mercy.

Convicted in unexpected ways at Dare2Share’s Untour
The Holy Spirit convicted me at the Dare2Share Untour conference last weekend, but not in ways I expected.

Personal debriefing about Dare2Share’s opening sessions
Some of my initial thoughts and reactions to the opening night at the 2011 Dare2Share Untour conference.

Freebie Friday 214: Motion background download
Download this free motion background to use in your presentation software, like PowerPoint, Keynote, Pro Presenter or MediaShout.

You spoke, LISM is changing (2 of 2)
My responses to several of the reoccurring themes that showed up in the comments section in the reader survey.

You spoke, LISM is changing (1 of 2)
Here are the results of the reader survey! Your feedback was very helpful and helps me make some changes this upcoming year.