When the church does not support its youth ministry [podcast]
This is a solid discussion about youth leaders and youth ministries that feel like they have no or little support from their church.

Freebie Friday 219: Ebook of creative youth ministry ideas for lent
Download this free ebook of creative ideas for helping students experience lent in your youth group.

Getting Farther By Getting Closer [Time Out]
As I have grown spiritually over the years and my awareness of Who and What God really is has matured’ Instead of feeling like I am closer to the goal of Christlikeness I feel like I am further and further away. I see more and more areas in my life that just don’t measure up to His perfection.

Freebie Friday 218: Youth worker guide for Soul Surfer movie
Get a free Soul Surfer movie guide, a resource dvd, movie poster and behind the scenes to use with your youth group.

See yourself as a participant, not a consumer [Links ‘n Vids]
This week’s Links ‘n Vids highlighting posts about the upcoming weekend at the Simply Youth Ministry Conference!

Freebie Friday 217: Who Wants To Be A Millionaire PowerPoint game
Download this free PowerPoint of the popular game, Who Wants To Be A Millionaire, and modify it for your lesson or icebreaker!

Easy way to win a signed copy of my book!
My book is now shipping! Here’s an easy way to win a signed copy from me for free!

The Youth Pastor’s Non-Dilemma [Time Out]
While we may not have the exact dilemma of the rich man, there are other things that keep us distant from the Kingdom…usually masked in our identity.