Freebie Friday 221: 15 months of curriculum from YouthWalk
YouthWalk offers free downloadable curriculum for youth leaders to use with their youth groups.

Numbers matter
Too many youth leaders say that numbers don’t matter, but from God’s perspective, numbers do matter.

Using a parent newsletter to impact teens [interview]
Parent newsletters can be an impactful way to communicate and to help families become spiritually influential.

Clay Jars and Youth Ministry [Time Out]
We often lament suffering in ministry and avoid difficulties, but Paul talked about how these things strengthened both him and his ministry.

Increasing attendance among the disconnected teens [podcast]
How do you increase attendance at youth group, especially among the teens who are disconnected from the church? Listen to us discuss that and much more.

Freebie Friday 220: Easter party planning checklist
Ken Sapp and Joshua Goh of CreativeYouthIdeas.com created a PDF download titled, “Youth Easter Party Planning Checklist.”
If you’ve ever…

I’m in youth ministry again!
Here’s an update on what we’ve been up to since being fired from youth ministry a couple months ago. Thanks for your support!

Do Something [Time Out]
What have you done to also be an active participant in helping? Sometimes it’s not that we don’t know what to do, it’s that we think about and don’t act.