Martyrdom youth workers [Time Out]
Often youth workers suffer for Jesus in youth ministry because they feel it comes along with the territory of church ministry.

Freebie Friday 223: Easter youth group lesson
This free Easter lesson is complete with PowerPoint and a student handout and is ready for you to teach!

10 tips for youth pastor search committees
Youth pastor search committees are a decent method to finding youth worker, but they often make some common mistakes along the way.

Vote again for me in the YouTube contest! (Today!)
Vote for me again today in the YouTube NextUp contest! Here’s part of my vision behind the Youth Questions channel.

Answering common excuses youth group kids make [podcast]
It can be frustrating to serve as a youth worker and hear youth group kids give lame excuses for things. Here’s how to answer them.

My Number One Goal [Time Out]
Putting up walls, playing it safe, keeping others and God at a safe distance – these are easy and come naturally to us.

URGENT: Vote for me in a YouTube contest!
The YouTube YouthQuestions channel is entered into a YouTube contest! If we’re in the top 25, teenagers around the world will be impacted!

Freebie Friday 222: 40 Days To A Leaner Spiritual Life
Download this free workbook that helps teens transform their spiritual life in 40 days through exercises, journals, and more.

Being a youth pastor is not the ultimate calling
Serving in a church as a youth pastor feels like the ultimate calling in life, but is it? I’m struggling through this myself right now.

You’re Just Not That Important [Time Out]
We need to realize that other people can do things, too, probably better than us most times. We have to learn our limits.