Handling out-of-control middle school students [podcast]
We discussed questions about how to handle middle school students who are out of control, students who cut, relationships, and more.

Common mistakes youth workers make [podcast]
Our discussion about common mistakes we’ve made, what we learned, and ways to clean up the messes we create.

16 free theology talksheets [Freebie Friday]
Download these 16 free theological talksheets to lead discussions about doctrine with teens and people of other faiths.

I am for hire for social media and YM consulting!
If you’re looking for a consultant to help your organization or business with social media and web strategies, consider hiring me!

Excited to introduce new LISM authors!
We’re adding a couple new writers to the writing team here who will contribute to helping facilitate “conversations among youth workers!”

Answering your questions about how we’re doing
Thanks for your questions about how we’ve been since being fired as the youth pastor at our church. Here’s the answer.

Jump In! Take action! Act on your faith! [Time Out]
A lot of times, we give up before the hard stuff even starts. We spend way too much time preparing – beyond what is reasonable or necessary.

Freebie Friday 227: Free copies of The Lifebook for students!
The Lifebook is a free copy of the Gospel of John that’s geared specifically toward students to give to their friends at school.

Jonathan McKee is not a perfect parent! (just like me)
Jonathan McKee’s new book on parenting teenagers is out! It’s a great resource for a training time during your parent meetings.

Evaluating our worth by our gifts [Time Out]
It’s easy for us, especially for men, to evaluate ourselves by what we do instead of who we are.