Don’t miss Dare2Share’s free Evangephobia webinar!
Dare2Share is doing two more Evangephobia webinars this summer! They’re free and are definitely worth your time!

Why networking is critical and how to do it
Networking with other youth pastors in your community is critical, yet often a low priority. Here’s why it’s important and how to do it.

Great deals on 300+ resources for 40 hours!
Simply Youth Ministry is running their annual 40/40/40 sale for the next 40 hours! Get 300+ items extremely discounted!

Characteristics of the church I work in next
I’m learning more about myself and how God’s wired me as a youth pastor. I’m not content with “normal” ministry.

Feeling overwhelmed in youth ministry [Time Out]
Youth ministry can feel overwhelming at times, but let’s remember Paul’s example and be encouraged.

3 great free ebooks for summer youth ministry [Freebie Friday]
Download these free ebooks! They contain many indoor and outdoor games as well as a free 31 day student devotional!

What churches say about values vs. what they do
Churches may have a stated mission, but their unidentified values often lead to decisions that conflict with what they say.

What Doug Fields’ move from Simply to YS means for both...
Here’s my take on Doug Fields moving from Simply Youth Ministry to Youth Specialties and what it means for both organizations.

Growing students into servants
A story of how one youth ministry helped an unsaved student grow as a disciple and start to serve in ministry.

SYM Tools helps you get organized in youth ministry
SYM Tools is a brand new resource that helps youth workers get organized and communicate well!