What seniors need to know about faith in college [Links ‘n Vids]
This week’s youth ministry blogosphere highlights include a good video from Fuller Youth Institute about faith in college.

5 small group lessons on spiritual disciplines [Freebie Friday]
Download these 5 free small group bible study lessons on spiritual disciplines for your youth group.

Why your church freaks out over “little things”
When anxiety runs high in a church or in a pastor, people overreact and sabotage themselves and each other.

To Game or Not To Game
Some groups use games, other’s don’t. Which is the right way to go in using games at youth group and why?

Questions I ask when interviewing for a youth ministry position
These are some of the general questions I ask or listen for during my conversations with a youth pastor search committee.

The “Grand Opening” of the LISM store!
The LISM store is open and selling its book for 30% off to celebrate the store’s grand opening! Buy it autographed now!

Shake ministry like a polaroid picture [Time Out]
We shake Polaroids because we think it helps them develop faster, but it only gives us something to do that feels productive.

Owl City track and accompanying Bible study [Freebie Friday]
Download the new single from Owl City that’s now free in iTunes and get a free youth group Bible study to go along with it.