10 Commandments for Thriving in Youth Ministry [Freebie Friday]
There is no formula for a thriving youth ministry, but this ebook may be as close as it gets. It’s packed with practical advice.

Teenagers don’t belong in youth group
A topic for discussion: Teenagers belong in the church, not in a youth group with a “holding tank” mentality.

When parents don’t have a clue
Most parents think their teenager is doing fine, but are really clueless about what’s really going on in their lives and who their friends are.

How to break down division in the youth group [podcast]
We discuss a youth group that is divided and how to break down the barriers to unity, as well as many other youth ministry questions.

Keeping marriage strong throughout ministry [podcast]
We discuss marriage and ministry and how to keep our relationship with our spouse strong through the pressures and expectations ministry brings.

I’m launching MinistryFamily.com today!
A new site dedicated to marriage, parenting and life as a ministry family.

Free testimony worksheet [Freebie Friday]
This worksheet helps students prepare their testimony to share with friends or someone while witnessing.

My search for a youth ministry position and our future
I spent a lot of time praying, reading, and asking the Lord to provide direction for whatever is next in our future and ministry.

Putting your senior pastor in his place (part 3)
What is the senior pastor’s role in a youth ministry and how do they best support their youth pastor?

Can a graduated student leader still serve?
Is it okay for a student leader to graduate from high school and return to youth group to serve as an adult youth leader?