Hello? Is anyone still out there?
It’s been almost five months since I last published a post here. What happened? Well, many things, actually.

How to disciple families for a multi-generational impact
Family discipleship is hard enough, but discipling them for a multi-generational impact? That sounds like a big vision, but here’s how to do it.

FREE Parenting eBook for Helping Teens Answer Tough Questions
Children and teenagers ask a lot of tough questions. This free ebook equips parents and youth workers with Biblical answers to those questions.

6 questions every pastor must ask about their family
As a pastor, it’s difficult to balance family and ministry, but is balance actually the goal? These 6 questions can help you evaluate what’s important.

Free family ministry videos and mp3s from D6 Conference
For this weekend only, the D6 Conference guys are giving away free videos and mp3 downloads from family ministry thought leaders. Check it out!

What do you deeply believe about family?
What we deeply believe about family and the church will influence how we do youth ministry. Here’s one example.

An idea for making parents the spiritual leaders of the home
Here’s a great, practical idea for how a youth ministry can make parents the primary spiritual leader for their home for their teenagers and children.

Welcome my new little daughter to the world!
Welcome our new little girl into the world, Halle Journey! This is what her name means and the identity we hope it projects on to her as she grows up.