6 ways to integrate teens into your church
We’re becoming more intentional about integrating teens into the life of the body! Here are 6 ideas for how to do it well.

Approaching God with conditions [Time Out]
What’s holding you back from following the Lord as your first priority? Are you approaching Him with conditions?

Free Thanksgiving youth group lesson [Freebie Friday]
Here’s a free youth group lesson you can download for Thanksgiving! It’s titled, “Thankful In All Things.” Enjoy!

What’s missing from family-based ministry
I’m a big supporter of the return to family-based ministry, but we’re overlooking the most important element of this approach.

What youth group never taught me about sex before marriage
My story of what I heard in church about sex, but chose to go a different path as a teenager, and how it affected me.

How exercise, rest, and healthy eating impact my ministry [Time Out]
Taking care of yourself with exercise, rest, and eating healthy will tremendously impact your ministry to others.

Night of Silence stations kit [Freebie Friday]
Download this free Night of Silence kit for youth groups to use in setting up stations around the youth room to spend time in prayer silently.

Pastors Kids, parenting, and growing up in ministry
My wife and I grew up as pastors kids. Now we’re parenting our own kids through ministry and blogging about it at ministryfamily.com.

Using expensify.com to track ministry receipts
No youth worker enjoys keeping track of ministry receipts and expenses, but Expensify can help take the pain out of those expense reports.