Final apartment decision
Tuesday I went back and visited the apartment complex right next to the church. It’s the nicer one out of my final options, but was unfortunately the most…

Slow day at work
I’m kinda confused why today is so slow here at Dean’s today. Tomorrow starts their annual Transportation Summit, a big convention of senators…

My Guild Wars Characters
I know most of you just couldn’t wait to see my Guild Wars characters, huh? Here they are.
Master Berkshire is an Elementalist/Necromancer
Knight of…

Apartment hunting and more
My free time lately has been taken up with two things: apartment hunting and Guild Wars. The lease at my current apartment is up at the end of this month and…

Back from the NJ/NY
The trip went well, but wow, I am sooooo tired! I updated our youth group website with pictures and a brief update each day while we were away.
All things…

Off to Philly
At 5:30 tomorrow morning I’m leaving with some leaders and students from my youth group to go on a missions trip to NJ for the week. I’ll be…

I’m legal!
Illegal music downloads are still pretty easy to find. Although there are several legal pay-for music services out there, two years ago none seemed to really…

SchmoyerFamily.com is up again
Whew, it’s like 4:15 AM and I need to go to bed. Just spent the past many hours rebuilding our family website. It’s not quite complete — still…

David is married
Here I am, comfortably sitting in my apartment, jammin’ to tunes on Rhapsody, and working on schmoyerfamily.com while my 11 family members are fighting…

Last day as 24-years old
I just wanna say that I appreciate Laura and her friendship over the past 18 years or so. Exactly 13 years ago from today they moved here to Texas, the day…