Disturbed rocks, but lyrics disappoint
September 20 of this year the mainstream rock band, Disturbed, released their latest album, Ten Thousand Fists. I’ve been listening to it lately and just…

Some things work out better than expected
Life is so weird sometimes. Like, when you expect something to end in some terrible painful way but instead it ends on a mature understanding note? That’s…

Cyber security quiz
Since October is National Cyber Security Awareness Month, I took the “Stay Safe Online” quiz on the National Cyber Security Alliance Web site. My…

Stress is building
Well, it’s official now — I’m stressed. The cold sores are starting to appear in my mouth and I’m always pretty tired. Of course, that…

Pain in life
James 1:2-18 (NLT)
Dear brothers and sisters, whenever trouble comes your way, let it be an opportunity for joy. For when your faith is tested, your endurance…

God’s unpredictable direction
I’ve learned that obedience is something God expects without questions asked. Very rarely will He reveal the end result of what He asks us to do, but…

Kids makes me laugh
Read this article! A punk teenager is sentenced for hacking T-Mobile’s website and “social engineering” his way to obtain Paris…

Amazing God
A couple preliminary things: Yes, I’m all moved in to my new apartment and yes, ending my roommate-ship with Tim on Monday morning was sad (I’m…

Where was God in this tragedy?
Planet Earth looks so beautiful from outer space. Satellite pictures make this world look like such a beautiful and wonderful place to live, but yet we know…

9/11 Tribute Video
In the days that immediately followed September 11, 2001 I collected many images and video clips that were circulating the Internet, figuring that one day…