Rules for fighting
In youth group the past two Sundays we’ve have fun talking about how to deal with conflict at home (improv drama is so much fun with this). Conflict is…

Site updates
I’ve been working hard to make the back-end of my blog site work much more efficiently for me. Along the way I added some new features for you guys…

A pastor’s view on youth ministers
This pastor in CA blogged about why he thinks youth ministry is so important. The post is very encouraging. If you work with students in any way, I recommend…

My first short-film production
This past Sunday afternoon four of the sr. high students and most of the youth leaders hung out after church to shoot a fundraiser video. The idea is that all…

Tim is married!
No, not me! ;) My old roommate, Tim, got married today out near Tyler, Texas this afternoon. I went out to witness the event and had a great time. I was kinda…

Uphill Battle
I typically don’t really watch TV, mostly because it disinterests me and I don’t find it that entertaining. On the occasions that I do turn on the…

Recent blog inactivity
Sorry for not updating this past week. I’ll try not to be such a sloth when it comes to this. :) It’s just been a busy this week and I haven’t…

David Crowder Concert
Saw David Crowder in concert last night at Irving Bible Church. Although I’ve seen him lead worship at different conferences and stuff, I’ve never…

New hope for me and Dana
As much as I know people are sick of hearing about me and Dana and how our story keeps going back and forth, it appears that some stability has finally been…

A new challenge in ministry
I have my parents to thank for modeling the example I decided to follow yesterday.
Around dinner-time I received a call from a guy in the church saying that he…