The life of America’s teenagers
I started writing this post about the portrayal of teenage-hood in Green Day’s music video, Jesus of Suburbia, but became so burdened by the seemingly…

Handling ministry blunders
I think back over all the mistakes I’ve made in ministry. Some make me grimace and say, “What in the world was I thinking?!” Others are kinda…

Ministry leadership questions
Tony Myles, a youth pastor in Michigan, e-mailed me last week asking if I’d participate in a survey he wrote for one of his Masters Of Ministry projects…

Connecting with youth workers
Part of the reason I enjoy blogging about youth ministry is because it’s a potential point of contact with others who share my calling. Although the…

My former pastor apologizes
Wow. The title should say enough, huh? Definitely wasn’t expecting this one.
The Story
Last night as I was on my way out the door, my cell phone rang…

Away with Windows!
I’m really sick of Microsoft Windows. If I wasn’t already so settled into this operating system with all my apps, files, mail, settings, etc., I…

This whole blogging thing
I’ve really been diggin’ this whole blogging thing lately. It’s such a great way to express your opinions and ideas on basically anything you…

Controversial Teen Bible
I’ve been hearing about Zondervan’s new student bibles and all the flack it’s taking, mostly from the home school community. The True Images…

So much to do this summer
Hmm… I’ve been asked by the guy who directs the camp midsouth summer camp for the Evangelical Covenant denomination if I would be the director for…

Visiting Eagle Ridge students
Tonight Dana and I went to visit a couple kids from my former youth group, Eagle Ridge Church. We hung out at Casey’s house for a little bit first and…