Tagged by Blake.
Seven things to do before I die:
1) Get married
2) Provide a godly home for my children
3) Go skydiving
4) Serve as youth pastor at one church…

Switched to Linux
I finally made the switch. Three of my four computers are now completely dedicated to the Ubuntu distribution of Linux. My church office computer, my laptop…

Contrast between jobs
Yesterday was great! Most of the Sr. High guys had the day off, so we hung out at my apartment and had a Halo 2 LAN party. It’s been a while since…

Ministry opportunities in video games
For years now I’ve been integrating two things I love: ministry and video games. As movie sales decrease and video game sales increase, this looks more…

Ukraine missions support letter
Dear Friends,
Here in America I have been blessed to receive training for ministry from some of the top leaders in the world. It started at home when I was…

Hyper-active boys in ministry
Here’s a little dream of mine: What would it look like if we could somehow capture all the energy and enthusiasm from a small group of hyper-active junior…

Hip-hop freestyle game
I got this idea from egadideas.com and used it in youth group last Wednesday.
Split youth up in teams and have them write a song or rap to the instrumental…

Windows OneCare: Security for (more) money
So let me get this straight: Microsoft is rolling out a subscription plan called OneCare for Windows XP protection and PC health tools for $50 per year. Does…

Novell Linux Desktop 10 preview
I’ve posted before about my reservations concerning Windows and how I’m looking forward to switching to Linux when I can. I’d make the switch…

Define “hooking up”
Dana and I had this conversation in the car several days ago and, after reading this blog entry, I must confess that she is right and I am wrong. (I think she…