The increasing shock value in media
A couple people wanted to see this video, so here it is. It was shown at the Acquire The Fire student conference last weekend here in Dallas. Sorry for the poor…

My plan to stand against negative influences
Today was the second full day of going without television, video games, or secular music. I am honestly shocked at how this has forced a change in thought…

Battle Cry experiment
Following the Battle Cry event, the youth group high school guys who were present piled into my car and immediately started discussing the conference, its…

Ron Luce on the O’Reilly Factor
I just returned home from Acquire The Fire’s Battle Cry conference here in Dallas. Before leaving on Friday I read several news articles and blogs on how…

Questions regarding youth ministry
God’s been placing a new vision and direction on my heart for my youth ministry, although exactly what that is has been somewhat illusive and indefinable…

Learning to levitate
This week I’ve learned three different methods for creating an illusion of levitation. It’ll take a lot more practice before I’m proficient…

“Factions” beta weekend event
Guild Wars “Factions” beta weekend event started today. I’m looking forward to exploring new areas, unlocking new items and skills, but…

Motives questioned
I’m really encouraged by part of Perry Noble’s blog yesterday:
People Will Always Question Your Motives
You had better know why you do what you…

Built myself a “TiVo”
TiVos and other “Personal Video Recorders” (PVR) have been out for a while now and seem to be quickly replacing VCRs. A year or so ago I looked into…

Rethinking the typical church environment
I must say, I’ve really enjoyed reading Dan Kimball’s thoughts on pews in the church, and especially his follow-up entry today. Like Dan, I also…