Youth ministry and culture finally meet technology
I remember back in Bible college when several other youth ministry majors and myself sat around in the back of a van discussing the struggle for America’s…

Youth ministry rant, technology, and United 93
Perry Noble sure had a nice little rant today about churches that don’t properly support their youth ministries. The idea of no fundraising sounds good to…

Engagement video
Here’s the “reenactment” of my wedding proposal to Dana along with the “director’s commentary.” ;)
It looks like our…

I’m engaged!
Yup, she said “Yes” last Saturday when I popped the big question. For those who are only interested in the photos, here they are. I’ll have a…

An unnecessarily complicated gospel
My interns and I have been discussing the gospel in regards to this question: What is the core of the gospel message? Or, in other words, what is essential for…

Addressing self-esteem at youth group
Self-image is an issue that is sometimes thought to mostly affect girls, but recently I am becoming more and more aware of just how much this affects guys, too…

Five free invitations to join Lala.com
I was fortunate enough to get in as a member for the beta testing of Lala.com, a program that allows users to exchange their old music CDs for new CDs they…

Conclusion of my media fast
Saturday night marked the conclusion of my media fast: no TV, video games, or secular music for one week. The whole experience was pretty eye-opening for me…

Dana’s senior pictures
Apparently Dana had enough confidence in my photography skills that she wanted me to take her college senior pictures instead of going to a professional to have…

My high school guys are still going strong
I was pleased to find out tonight that all the high school guys are still going strong on their commitment to no TV, video games or secular music for a week. We…