Learning from my(sql) problems
Two days ago I updated my youth group’s online forum to the latest version and man, I had more errors than a screendoor has holes, but resolving them sure…

Benefits of unemployment
Dana’s search for an elementary teaching position has turned up void and I’m only working part-time at the church, which obviously makes for a…

Some nerdy tech updates
It’s been a while since I’ve posted about anything nerdy. Time to end the streak!
My Web Host Turned NetDrive
I have 100 GB of storage with my new…

Music influences teenagers’ view of sex
We’ve all heard the excuse from our teenagers, “Oh, I don’t listen to the words, I just like the music,” but if the song happens to come…

Convicted by Peretti’s “House”
On the way home from our honeymoon a couple weeks ago Dana and I started listening to the audio book of Frank Peretti’s novel, “House.” The…

Creativity in ministry
Mark Batterson has a great post addressing creativity in ministry leadership and “keeping what is sacred from becomming routine.” Please read and…

Being recognized by random people
Today I read Marko’s post about feeling kinda weird after being recognized in Starbucks by a random youth pastor. It brought to memory a time several…

Honeymoon pictures posted
Whew! I spent most of today re-building my blog here. There’s still some dead links and features around here that aren’t working right, but…

My site was hacked
Yeah, what a way to start out my wedding: all my websites went down the day before I got married and with the honeymoon afterwards there wasn’t a thing I…

Getting married this Saturday!
Ahh, the time has finally come. In exactly three days from now Dana and I will be married and preparing to leave the alter for the reception. Unfortunately…