Pictures from first day at NYWC Austin
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Touching Dan Kimball’s hair!!! Woo hoo! The poor guy only had 2 hours of sleep last night.
Left: Tic Long |…

A couple minutes before second general session
Thanks to a friend in the church, I have a laptop to borrow for the weekend and, thanks to wi-fi technology, I can update while sitting here waiting for the…

My youth group’s perspective of our church
The pastoral search committee for my [tag]church[/tag] asked if I’d record some students from the [tag]youth group[/tag] talking about the church and what…

Possible seminar schedule for the NYWC
Every year I attend the [tag]National Youth Workers Convention[/tag] I have the same problem — trying to figure out which workshops to attend…

I’m going to the NYWC in Austin!
Wow, God just did a huge thing for my me and my wife!
We’re both big fans of [tag]Youth Specialties[/tag]’ [tag]National Youth Workers…

Why graduates drop out of church
Looks like a recent study from [tag]George Barna[/tag] confirms my thoughts about why 85% of high school graduates never return to church. I think parents need…

Rethinking church service effectiveness
It’s obvious that way too many people attend church every Sunday and never connect with a word that’s said. I could walk into an average church on…

Terminate communication with “humor”
Ken Sapp posted a good list of ways to lose contact with students, but I’d like to add one more to it: Joke around about sensitive issues like abortion…

Free youth ministry online training lectures
Covenant Seminary posted all their class lectures online in mp3 format to be downloaded free of charge, including their Youth Ministry course. If you’ve…

Generation YouTube
Over at YouthMinistryTV.com Dennis posted a free e-book he wrote called, “Generation YouTube: Harnessing the Power of Internet Video for Youth…