10 proven ways to reduce stress over the holidays
Keep it simple. Real simple. Activities, menus, shopping, traditions…

Album Review: I’m loving Skillet’s new CD, “Comatose”
I’ve followed Skillet’s music ever since they appeared on the Christian music scene, but I was never a huge fan until their latest album, Comatose…

Following God through Philadelphia with blind faith
Probably the most life-changing experience I’ve ever had was one night I spent lost in Philadelphia late at night all by myself. God really grabbed my…

Living out our theology in youth ministry
Every once in a while I stumble across www.exchristian.net and read through some of the testimonies people submit about why they left the Christian faith. It…

The power of electronic culture, by Shane Hipps
I’m a guy who enjoys electronics, gizmos and gadgets. I even supported part of my seminary education by doing part-time I.T. administration for a company…

How to correct misspelled words added to Firefox 2.0 dictionary
I’m a 100% sold-out fan of Firefox 2.0. I know IE7 just released, but I have yet to read a review of it that tempts me to make the switch. In fact…

Guild Wars: Nightfall releases tonight
Yep, my pre-order of Guild Wars: Nightfall is available at noon today, so after lunch I’m going straight to GameStop to pick it up. Since I got married…

Learning how to have a dynamic prayer life
Ever since Greg Stier spoke at the National Youth Workers Convention, I’ve been thinking about something he said. He read the story of Elijah on Mount…

Why I’m attracted to blogging
Last week I had an extended conversation with a friend who’s graduating from Bible college this semester. She came to me saying, “I’m…