How to greet people at church
Might be a good resource if your youth group has a greeting team.
ht to Josh Griffin

Jehovah’s Witnesses evangelize with anti-gay message
Last week I came home and found some material from [tag]Watchtower[/tag] stuffed in my apartment door. It’s interesting the see their approach to…

The future of pulpit teaching?
Will this change the future of communication from the pulpit? It gives the ability to bring up images, change text and form illustrations on the fly, all with…

Teenagers and technology usage
Church Relevance just posted a survey by The Pew Internet & American Life Project. They polled teenagers aged 12 to 17 to learn more about their use of…

Another Dove beauty video of girls discussing self-image
Here’s another Dove video of girls talking about their self-image. Just like the previous video, this might be a good clip to show to both guys and girls…

Youth ministry blogging is not popular
Almost two weeks ago I did a little experiment. I realize blogging about youth ministry addresses a very small minority of web users and was interested to see…

I fit in the 20-somethings view of spirituality
The Catalyst Blog summarized “Spirituality for 20-somethings” and, being 26 years old myself, it seems to fit me pretty well.
They don’t like…

The hardest part of youth ministry
It’s not all the meetings, reports, event planning, vision casting, or trainings. It’s not even working with upset parents, disappointed church…

The state of youth ministry and students
I love it when people ask me questions about youth ministry! They usually turn into ideas for blog posts. :) One such example came today from Jason Curlee: