Issues in Youth Ministry: William Berger
What do you see as some of the main issues youth ministry is struggling with today?
I think a big issue that youth ministry struggles with is getting effective…

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IImage Browser: Great tool for uploading and organizing images for your blog posts.
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Pray for even the little things
Last weekend my father-in-law gave me an old laptop (PII 266 MHz, 128 MB memory, 6 GB HDD). I promptly removed Windows 98 in order to install the lightweight…

Issues in Youth Ministry: Paul Martin
What do you see as some of the main issues youth ministry is struggling with today?
Defining Success.
I think one of the biggest problems in youth ministry is…

Chinese teenagers make me want to overhaul Christian education
The youth worker who got me hooked on youth ministry back in high school is now a missionary to students in China. Yesterday I got his monthly newsletter, which…

Expectations of youth pastors and discipleship
Seth Barns of Adventures in Missions wrote a good post on all the expectations of youth pastors yesterday and how it relates to the need for discipleship.

Issues in Youth Ministry: Ben Gray
What do you see as some of the main issues youth ministry is struggling with today?
Cultural relevance is a biggie. Another (for men as well as women) is porn…

How to organize draft posts for your blog
WordPress is a phenomenal blogging system that I love deeply, but it really does a poor job of organizing all my draft posts. They’re all just lined up…

Issues in Youth Ministry: Buddy Rathmell
What do you see as some of the main issues youth ministry is struggling with today?
I think often youth ministries are often healthier than the churches so you…

Preaching this Sunday… what should I do?
Hmm… Our interim pastor just called me and said that the guest speaker for Sunday had to cancel due to some scheduling conflicts and asked if I’d be…