Issues in Youth Ministry: Jason Curlee
What do you see as some of the main issues youth ministry is struggling with today?
In my opinion so often I see that youth ministry is struggling with being…

Issues in Youth Ministry: Adam McLane
What do you see as some of the main issues youth ministry is struggling with today?
Youth Ministry still struggles to identify universally what it’s…

Kate Winslet on distored perception of beauty
“I do have an issue with this kind of image of perfection that a movie can put across. You want to say to people ‘Stop! Stop! It’s not real…

Issues in Youth Ministry: Ben Kraker
What do you see as some of the main issues youth ministry is struggling with today?
1. Youth ministry in the majority of north American churches is an island…

Issues in Youth Ministry: Women contributors
Many of you noted that the Issues in Youth Ministry series started with no female presence. This wasn’t intentional by any means, just that there are not…

Move over MySpace, Facebook is #1 among teenagers
Research by eMarketer.com shows that all the hype over MySpace is quickly dying as teenagers and young adults favor Facebook as the #1 visited website among…

Issues in Youth Ministry: Mark Oestreicher
What do you see as some of the main issues youth ministry is struggling with today?
[Oestreicher, Mark] Redefining ourselves. We know the song-and-dance of…

Side-by-side comparison of free video hosting services
For a while now I’ve been trying to figure out which is the best online video to use for my video. I’ve been using [tag]YouTube[/tag] mostly just…

Issues in Youth Ministry: Evan Mattei
What do you see as some of the main issues youth ministry is struggling with today?
As the church faces cultural issues, youth, I think, deal with these even…

How the Internet affects my right brain
Throughout college and seminary I noticed I was a little different than most of my classmates. Most of them would vigorously take notes, copying down word for…