Why doesn’t our teaching seem to stick?
Last Monday I attended a seminar by Todd Hall, Ph.D., and Mark Matlock’s Wisdom Works…

Issues in Youth Ministry: James Tippins
What do you see as some of the main issues youth ministry is struggling with today?
I think youth ministry is struggling in many areas, but for time’s…

Freebie Friday #1: Icebreaker games
Here are some icrebreakers I pulled from an old document I found on my computer dated June 2, 2002.
1. 60-Second Mouth Tug-of-War
Tie a marshmallow to the…

Issues in Youth Ministry: Other community blog posts
This series has been discussed on other blogs where different opinions have been expressed. Here are a few around the web to check out:
Youth Ministry…

Five things you probably don’t know about me
I was tagged by Marko, so here ya go:
I only grew up in one house and moved away to attend seminary when I was 22.
I’ve never had candy, gum or soda…

Issues in Youth Ministry: Abby Fox
What do you see as some of the main issues youth ministry is struggling with today?
It’s great when a church can dedicate specific space for…

Making positive first impressions on youth group visitors
Mark Batterson wrote about their bulletin’s facelift. He said, “Bulletins are first impression pieces so we take it pretty seriously.”

Issues in Youth Ministry: Dot Gosling
What do you see as some of the main issues youth ministry is struggling with today?
A lack of understanding of youth work and youth ministry by many people…

Fun weekend in Minnesota
Dana and I just got back from a great weekend in Minnesota visiting my brother, his wife and daughter and my former pastor’s new church. As a born and…

Issues in Youth Ministry: Heidi Abbott
What do you see as some of the main issues youth ministry is struggling with today?
Okay – I am a female. I can share my input from the sphere God has…