5 things I love about the Simply Youth Ministry Conference
There is so much to love about the SYMC! Here are 5 things my wife and I love about the community of youth workers at the conference.

Ministry = My failure + God’s grace [Time Out]
We all have failures. When you look at Scripture, even the disciples failed. God’s grace is sufficient for us, and it’s an invitation to ministry.

Free activities, Bible studies, and tools from LeaderTreks! [Freebie...
LeaderTreks has a page of free youth ministry resources for youth leaders and youth groups! Download free activities, bible studies, tools, and more!

My values in ministry
Churches have written core values, but the unidentified values are the one they live by. The same is true for pastors.

Top 10 LISM posts of 2011
There were a lot of youth ministry blog posts published to Life In Student Ministry last year. Here are the top 10 posts of 2011.

How can we be more valuable for you in 2012?
Complete the 2012 blog survey and enter to win 1 of 10 youth ministry books! Thanks for your invaluable feedback!

Money: Great Servant, Terrible Master [Time Out]
Money is great when it serves us, but if we start to serve money then it becomes a terrible master.

Free FacePlant video announcement tool [Freebie Friday]
Download this free tool to insert your face into different movies and easily turn them into youth group announcement videos!

Are we paid to be the Holy Spirit?
While reading through pastor job descriptions it seems some churches expect pastors to play the role of the Holy Spirit in people’s lives. Is that fair?

The past will help us move forward in 2012 [Time Out]
Evaluating the last year’s ministry is always healthy, but we first need to look to the past to learn what brought us to where we are today.