Stepping down from my youth ministry position
My time in the Dallas area has come to an end. Dana and I have enjoyed our time here and will miss all our dear friends, our church and the students we’ve…

How to paint a slick lookin’ youth room mural
I’m not really an expert painter, home designer, or fashion statement by any stretch of the imagination, but fortunately one of my youth leaders is. This…

My most popular blog posts of 2006
To be honest, I’m a little disappointed as I look over my blog stats for 2006 and see which posts where the most popular last year. As I said before…

Freebie Friday #3: Simply Youth Ministry materials
This week’s freebie comes from Doug Field’s Simply Youth Ministry’s website. They have all sorts of excellent resources available for free…

Issues in Youth Ministry: Summary, highlights and discussion
Here’s a summary list of every issue in youth ministry that’s been mentioned by one of the series contributors. Whew! There certainly are a lot of…

Issues in Youth Ministry: Your biggest struggle
What is your biggest struggle in youth ministry?
Based on 102 votes by the general public visiting this blog:
26% – Priorities of teens/parents.

Ten New Years resolutions for volunteer ministry
1. I will be more of an equipper and less of a doer. Ephesians 4:11-12 says that the purpose of leaders in the church is to equip the people to do the ministry…

Heartfelt words of affirmation for my Dad
This Christmas my mom asked that my brothers, sisters and me write a list of affirmations about my dad for her to compile together for him in a book. Since…

Issues in Youth Ministry: Tim Schmoyer
What do you see as some of the main issues youth ministry is struggling with today?
Engaging and partnering with the student’s family for joint ministry…

Freebie Friday #2: Four Spiritual Laws seminar training materials
As a guy who got hooked on youth ministry through Student Venture (the high school division of Campus Crusades for Christ), I’ve done my fair share of 4…