Freebie Friday #6: Read-to-go Lock-in materials
In the spirit of my youth group’s lock-in last weekend, here are all my planning materials from my last three years of lock-ins! The zip file includes…

Youth group lock-in video from last weekend
Last weekend was our annual youth group lock-in. I had a lot of great video footage of the crazy stuff we did, but unfortunately toward the end of the night my…

World of Warcraft FAQs: How much time is too much?
What is an appropriate amount of time spent playing World of Warcraft?
I won’t try to suggest an hourly amount of what is acceptable gaming time for a…

World of Warcraft FAQs for Christians: Negative and positive aspects?
What are the positive aspects of MMOs?
As a Christian, there a tons of ministry opportunities in these games! I’ve even blogged in the past about some of…

World of Warcraft FAQs for Christians: Why is it so addictive?
Why is World of Warcraft so addictive?
When Paul Sams, the COO of Blizzard (the company that makes WoW), was asked why people play World of Warcraft, his answer…

Some say it’s OK for girls to go wild
An interesting article by ABC News that suggests it’s OK for girls to be overly expressive about their sexuality in their early teens. Some quotes that…

Freebie Friday #5: “Unquenchable” youth sermon series on...
Thanks to Jason Curlee for providing this week’s Freebie Friday resource! He’s provided a three-lesson sermon series for youth that teaches students…

World of Warcraft FAQs for Christians: What are MMOs?
What are MMO games?
According to Wikipedia, “A massively (or massive) multiplayer online role-playing game or MMORPG is a multiplayer computer…

How do I train youth leaders to be relational?
Here’s an question that showed up in my Inbox from an unnamed reader of this blog:
I can’t seem to get my leaders fired up about being relational…

World of Warcraft FAQs for Christians: Introduction
A couple months ago a question showed up in my Inbox (paraphrased):
“What is the game, World of Warcraft? I am in contact with a parent who has a son who…