
Freebie Friday #8: Small group leadership training materials

Several years ago when I first started in this youth ministry position (the one I’m leaving on Sunday), the youth group had never implemented anything…

grab Read Time: 1 Minute

How I will crash and burn (out) in ministry

I’m going to be honest: every item I list here is based on tendencies I’ve noticed in myself over the past several months. If you’re a regular…

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

Handling discipline at youth group

A reader-submitted question: How do you handle discipline?
“I’ll give you some context to that question. I’m 25. I have worked in 3…

read Read Time: 2 Minutes

Open the lines of youth group communication

As I prepare to move to a new youth group in Minnesota, one of my first tasks is to establish a system for communication with a couple hundred students, parents…

read Read Time: 3 Minutes

Freebie Friday #7: Student leadership communication packet

Ben Kraker graciously provides this week’s Freebie Friday. He wrote a packet that addresses communication for youth group student leaders. He used it at…

grab Read Time: 1 Minute

House hunt in Minnesota: Mission complete!

Dana and I just arrived home from spending a couple days in Minnesota searching for a house. It’s hard to believe the move is less than two weeks away…

read Read Time: 1 Minute

World of Warcraft FAQs for Christians: Should we play WoW?

Is this whole area a place that demonic strongholds can affect a person’s life in reality?
It may be possible, but highly improbable. If World of Warcraft…

read Read Time: 1 Minute

World of Warcraft FAQs for Christians: Demonic warfare?

What about the curses and hexes involved? Is this demonic warfare and does it desensitize players to true evil in the world?
Neither the skills nor the context…

read Read Time: 1 Minute

Is youth ministry unbiblical?

An old post I wrote back in 2005 about youth ministry as an unbiblical position is gaining a lot of controversial attention.

Is it biblical for a church to pay…

read Read Time: 0 Minutes

Why do I limit what God wants to do through me?

Yesterday I was reading through Ephesians with one of my youth workers and 1:19-20 and 3:20-21 really convicted me in a way it hasn’t before.

read Read Time: 2 Minutes