How to recruit ministry volunteers
1. Never stand in front of your congregation and make a plea for help. Don’t ask for anyone interested to contact you. You may get a…

Freebie Friday #10: Free youth ministry PowerPoint game
This week’s Freebie Friday is a free PowerPoint game from MinistryPower.com. They have lots of PowerPoint games, background slides, graphics, announcement…

Why volunteers should always go for free
Dacia Bryan, youth pastor at Higher Ground Pentecostal Holiness Church in Ahoskie, NC, wrote me with the following question:
“Should a portion of the…

A new identity for our youth group
Today over lunch with one of my adult volunteers we started talking about how different youth groups identify themselves different ways. It seems to us that our…

A blurry vision is on the horizon
As I continue to settle in to my new youth ministry position I’m learning more and more about all the puzzle pieces God has here. Right now I feel like…

What do teenage girls need?
I don’t typically copy and paste someone else’s entire article as a blog post, but this one was just too good to pass up.
What Do Teenage Girls…

Freebie Friday #9: Four Spiritual Laws evangelism training materials
Sorry for missing last week’s Freebie Friday. With the recent move to Minnesota, unpacking, settling in and all that good stuff, blogging has obviously…

Suggestions for your very first youth group meeting
A reader-submitted question by Christina:
“I am a new youth pastor with my very first job and will be starting in a few weeks. I was wondering if you had…

Settling into Minnesota
After driving about 1,200 miles in a bumpy annoying-to-drive U-Haul truck, Dana and I have finally arrived here in Minnesota. Here’s the chain of…

And away we go!
After church this Sunday, my wife and I are traveling to our new church in Minnesota. We’ll be on the road for a couple days, me driving the U-Haul and…