
Christian bloggers network

In case you’re looking for a list of some Christians bloggers, here are some as compiled by Mark Kelly. I don’t know who most of them are, but they…

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We are officially welcomed into our new church

Last Sunday night our new church held a welcome party for me and Dana. The full photo album of this event can be seen here, but here are a couple pictures to…

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Top 10 ways to loose your job in youth ministry

I don’t know where I originally got this. I was looking for something else on my computer when I stumbled across an old Word document from 2001 that…

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Teen girls can now airbrush their own pictures

Bliss magazine, a UK teen publication, is offering an airbrush service for teen girls who want to doctor up their pictures. Either they pay a small fee via text…

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Freebie Friday #12: 8-day devotional ebook for students

Sonlife is giving away an eight-day devotional ebook for students titled Inspired, by Jeff Frazier.
Description: To love God with our minds involves an…

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Focus on the kids who ARE there

Growing up in Sunday school where attendance was sketchy at best, it was not uncommon to hear the teacher say, “Where is everybody?” with a…

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Why church is often a student’s last priority

I recently read an article by Greg Stier titled, “Why Mormons Do Better Youth Ministry Than We Do.” It really confirms a lot of my struggles about…

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Need your ideas for a new international youth ministry

A good friend of mine, Bill Scott, former President of ZJAM Youth Ministries, is starting a new youth ministry under the American Association of Christian…

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Freebie Friday #11: Free YouTube video converter

This week’s resource isn’t specifically a youth ministry resource per se, but it is definitely a tool that has served me well in preparing video…

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Ten tips for starting a church youth group ministry

My blog statistics indicate that many people find my site when searching for topics related to starting a church youth group. Unfortunately, I don’t…

read Read Time: 3 Minutes